How to use licensecxx ===================== Prerequisites ------------- Licensecxx relies on nlohmann-json_ and OpenSSL_. nlohmann/json is fetched through CMake-Fetchcontent during configure time and made available the library. Whether this is the preferrable way is still up to debate. OpenSSL needs to be made available by the parent project/user. Licensecxx only calls ``FindPackage(OpenSSL)``. If that cannot find the OpenSSL 1.1 library, the licensecxx cannot be built. Building -------- This project is supposed to be used as a library addition to your software. Licensecxx is CMake based and can be included as a submodule in your project. Including it as a subdirectory makes the licensecxx targets available to your project .. code-block::cmake add_subdirectory(lcxx) target_link_libraries(your-executable PUBLIC lcxx::lcxx # lcxx::identifiers ) The ``lcxx::identifiers`` library is optional to produce/verify identifying hash codes of the target machine. Generate a license ------------------ A simple license generator looks like this: .. code-block::c++ #include int main() { lcxx::license license; // Push optional data into the license file license.push_content( "some key", "some value" ); license.push_content( "hardware", lcxx::identifiers::hardware().hash ); license.push_content( "os", lcxx::identifiers::os().hash ); auto key = lcxx::crypto::load_key( some_pem_private_key_rsa_string, lcxx::crypto::key_type::private_key ); // alternatively, load key from file by providing the file PEM file path // auto key = lcxx::crypto::load_key( some_pem_private_key_rsa_path, lcxx::crypto::key_type::private_key ); lcxx::to_json(license, "my-project-license.lic", key); } It prints a signed license json file to the file ``my-project-license.lic``. This is similar to the sample [license_generator](samples/license_generator/main.cpp). Verify a license ---------------- A generated license file or string can be loaded and verified provided a public key. Additional hardware identifiers can be checked against the currently running hardware. .. code-block:: c++ int main() { auto key = lcxx::crypto::load_key( some_pem_pem_key_rsa_string, lcxx::crypto::key_type::public_key ); auto [license, signature] = lcxx::from_json( std::filesystem::path("my-project-license.lic") ); if ( !lcxx::verify_license( license, signature, key ) ) { std::cout << "This program is not licensed!" << std::endl; return -1; } if ( lcxx::identifiers::verify( license.get( "hardware" ) ) ) { std::cout << "The hardware does not match the one licensed!" << std::endl; return -2; } return 0; } A similar sample is given in license_verifier_ Further samples are given in the samples_ folder. Generating a key pair --------------------- To generate an RSA key pair that can be processed by licensecxx the following openssl commands can be used: .. code-block:: openssl genrsa -out /path/to/private_key.rsa 1024 openssl rsa -in /path/to/private_key.rsa -outform PEM -pubout -out /path/to/public_key These command generate a private-public key pair. Enabling the CMake option ``LCXX_GENERATE_KEYS`` will an additional CMake interface library called ``lcxx::key``. Linking it will have CMake generate a key-pair from that through a simple python script two header files: - ``public_key.hpp`` - ``private_key.hpp`` For that location of the generated private/public keys can be specified with the variables ``LCXX_PRIVATE_KEY`` / ``LCXX_PUBLIC_KEY``. The key size defaults to 1024 but can be configured through ``LCXX_KEY_SIZE``. Finally, ``LCXX_KEY_HEADER_DIR`` defines the path where the generated header files should be located. It will automatically be part of the ``lcxx::key`` include directories. Enabling ``LCXX_GENERATE_KEYS`` will require Python as a dependency for the header generation. .. _license_verifier : samples/license_verifier/main.cpp .. _samples: samples .. _nlohmann-json: .. _OpenSSL: